Peaceful Connection 


Living a more heart-directed life improves every aspect of our lives. We all know intuitively that we feel our best and make our wisest choices when we are heart-centered. And now the results are in from the Institute of HeartMath(R) - there are proven scientific benefits of consistent heart-based living. Benefits include: enhanced mental and emotional well being; peak mental and intuitive performance; enhanced creativity; reduced levels of anxiety and of stress hormones; improved health, relationships, focus; clearer decision making. In short, we begin to live our lives in more of a Divine Flow and with a greater sense of joy, ease, clarity, and peace.

In heart coaching, you will enjoy learning and practicing easy-to-use proven tools and techniques to apply to your everyday life - a sort of "heart recipe".

One of the best ways to integrate these learnings into your life is in a 4 session format - one hour session per week for 4 weeks, with an accompanying Heart Intelligence workbook. This is practical, focused coaching that gets positive results quickly.  Read more

Heart Alignment Meditation
What my clients have to say...

"That was the nicest gift I've ever given myself. I feel like layers of emotional 'crud' were removed and that I had a huge weight lifted off of me."  -- J. Nash


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Copyright 2007 Lorraine Lewis, Certified Trager Practitioner. LMBT NC License.#213.
"Trager", "Mentastics®" and the Dancing Cloud Logo are all registered service marks of Trager International.